Account Security Warning

There’s been a recent increase in unauthorized World of Warcraft account-logins via our website and the World of Warcraft mobile armory app.

We’re in the process of notifying any account holders who were not using an authenticator and whose account showed signs of unauthorized access (e.g., logging in from an unusual IP address). If you are among this group, you will receive an email describing how to reset your account.

As a result of these activities, access to the World of Warcraft auction house via the mobile app has been taken off-line temporarily. Upon request, our customer support team will restore in-game items and gold for any accounts impacted.

While no means of account security is guaranteed, every precaution you take to secure your computer and your account—including changing your password periodically—adds another defensive barrier. We strongly encourage everyone to take a few moments to read through the security tips available on our support website and follow the suggestions posted there.

Update – The auction house is now once again available for use on the World of Warcraft Mobile Armory app and our World of Warcraft community website. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.