*chomp* *chew*
Hnngh! *choke* *g-gulp!*
W-were you watching that, kupo?
Swallowing an entire egg...that was eggs-tremely painful, kupo.
I didn't realize we had started already, kupo...
So, egg-hunting season is upon us once again this year, kupo!
Collect "initial eggs," which have been labeled with single letters of the alphabet, and win the special prizes we at MHMU have prepared for you, kupo.
We put in a lot of effort to ready a new prize, too, kupo.
Of course, it goes without saying...
With a brand, spanking new prize comes the need for a brand, spanking new code word, kupo.
Adventurers, go forth! Happy hunting and best of luck in finding those codewords, kupo!
To see how the moogles came up with their code words for the egg hunt, look here.