The Doll Festival – Sweets Before Flowers

The Doll Festival... The annual celebration where people pray for the health and general well-being of the young girls of Vana'diel is once again upon us.

This tradition from the Far East has captivated the hearts of all who appreciate the finer beauties in life.

Indeed, during this time of year, even the most seasoned female adventurers find themselves as giddy as they were in their youth.

The festival is marked by pink cherry blossoms gently wafting in the cool breeze, by the sweet aroma of its triple layered cakes...

Of course, no matter the time or the place, there are always those misguided individuals who never seem to understand the true workings of the fairer sex.

Read the story of how a young Tarutaru lad got himself caught up in this festival celebrating girls.