Old Camera To Be Retired With The 118.5 Release On May 31st!

We are happy to announce that the old camera system will be retired from the EVE client with the 118.5 release, which is coming on May 31st.

With just 5.5% of the community now utilizing the old camera system, we feel that the new system is ready to take over all your spaceship viewing needs. After considerable amounts of community feedback over the last few months, which has enabled us to identify and eliminate pain points and include additional features that have been added for testing on Singularity, including a number of player requested additions that give some of the functionality to the orbital camera that was present in the old camera system, we are now happy to retire the old camera system from EVE.

You can get involved in the final testing of the new camera system by hitting our Test Server, Singularity, and if you have any further feedback on the new camera system, you can post in this feedback thread.